Online Certificate in Long Term Care Administration

Become a Health Care Leader by Earning Your Long Term Care Administration Certificate Online

The Certificate in Long Term Care Administration at the University of Michigan-Flint offers a 100% online certificate that equips you with essential knowledge about older adults and the health entities that provide services for this expanding population.  
We created our certificate to complement and enhance career opportunities for those working in a variety of health care fields, giving a broad orientation to the area of aging and effective administrative approaches to long-term care. Additionally, the Long Term Care Administration Certificate prepares you to sit for the Michigan Nursing Home Administrator Exam, which enables you to work as an administrator in a nursing home or long-term care facility.

Siga o PHHS nas redes sociais

Offered in a fully online format, the Certificate in Long-Term Care Administration empowers you to learn at your own pace. Take online courses and earn your certificate without disrupting your busy work schedule.

Our Long Term Care Administration Certificate, designed for students working within the health care industry, offers the proper preparation for the Exame de Licenciamento de Lar de Idosos em Michigan. Obtaining state licensure enables you to pursue new career opportunities in nursing homes or long-term care facilities and put your valuable knowledge into practice.

Gráfico 100% online

While you can pursue the long-term care administration certificate as a stand-alone credential, if you want to maximize your graduate education, you can use this certificate toward earning your Mestrado em Administração de Serviços de Saúde. With an MS in Health Services Administration, you can make professional progress by specializing your expertise to continue to further your knowledge and expand your health care career options.

Currículo do Programa

UM-Flint’s Long Term Care Administration Certificate helps you gain a fundamental understanding of the nature, depth, and growth of the older adult population, their health service needs, as well as how to address those needs in long-term care settings and entities.

Our nine-credit certificate includes two required courses that provide comprehensive overviews of the various types of long-term care organizations and how they function within the health care industry, including ethical and legal considerations, reimbursement, quality mechanisms, and more. They also offer insight into the regulatory and policy side of long-term care, ensuring you have a firm basis for complying with state and federal laws.

In addition, you take a course in Chronic Illness and Aging or Health and Aging to build your knowledge of the human aging process and the acute and chronic health challenges individuals may face in their later years. 

Review our Long Term Care Administration Certificate courses.

Assessoria Acadêmica

Need guidance as you work toward your Long Term Care Administration Certificate? UM-Flint’s expert conselheiros acadêmicos estão prontos para ajudar! Comprometidos com o seu sucesso, nossos consultores podem ajudá-lo na seleção de turmas, no desenvolvimento do plano de graduação e muito mais. 

Para mais informações, envie um email [email protegido].

Employment Outlook for LongTerm Care Administrators

With a rapidly growing population of aging adults, the demand for skilled nursing home administrators is also growing. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of gerentes de serviços médicos e de saúde, including long-term care administrators, to grow by 28% over the next decade, resulting in over 54,000 job openings per year. 

Because of the population’s broad need for health services managers, especially those with formal training in gerontology, professional opportunities open up in a variety of settings, such as local, state, federal, and private agencies providing services to older adults, hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities.

Additionally, working as a long-term care administrator offers an above-average earning potential, with an average annual salary of $104,830. However, the income for medical and health services managers ranges from $64,100 to $209,000, based on several factors like education, industry experience, and state of employment.

Salário médio anual de US$ 104,830 para gerentes de serviços médicos e de saúde

UM-Flint’s Certificate in Long Term Care Administration program seeks applicants who meet the following requirements:

  • Possui um dos seguintes graus de bacharelado:
    • BS em um campo relacionado à saúde
    • BS ou BBA em um campo relacionado aos negócios
    • BS ou BA em outro campo com pelo menos dois anos de experiência de trabalho no setor de saúde
  • GPA geral mínimo de 3.0 em uma escala de 4.0.

Nos últimos anos, o governo federal tem enfatizado a necessidade de as universidades e faculdades cumprirem as leis de educação a distância de cada estado. Se você é um estudante de fora do estado que pretende se matricular em um programa online, visite o Página de autorização estadual para verificar o status do UM-Flint com o seu estado.

At UM-Flint, we make the application process straightforward. To apply to our certificate program, please submit the following materials:

  • Pedido de admissão de pós-graduação.
  • Taxa de inscrição de US$ 55 (não reembolsável).
  • Transcrições oficiais de todas as faculdades e universidades frequentadas.
  • Declaração de Propósito: Descreva seus objetivos para estudos de pós-graduação e as razões para selecionar este programa. Você pode enviar declarações on-line durante o processo de inscrição ou enviá-las por e-mail para [email protegido]
  • Currículo ou curriculum vitae.
  • Um mínimo de duas cartas de recomendação. As recomendações devem vir de pessoas familiarizadas com o seu trabalho em contextos acadêmicos ou profissionais, que possam comentar sobre suas habilidades de pensamento crítico, capacidade de realizar projetos independentes e capacidade de colaboração com colegas. Enviamos solicitações de recomendação eletrônicas como parte do processo de inscrição on-line.

Envie materiais de inscrição adicionais por e-mail para [email protegido] ou entregá-los ao Escritório de Programas de Pós-Graduação

If you are outside the US but want to apply to the certificate program, UM-Flint encourages you to do so. For admission consideration, you must complete additional steps.

  • Para qualquer diploma concluído em uma instituição fora dos EUA, envie transcrições oficiais para um aprovado agência de credenciamento para revisão de credenciais. Você deve enviar suas transcrições para uma avaliação curso por curso. Após a avaliação do histórico escolar, a agência de credenciamento deve enviar o relatório de avaliação do histórico escolar, curso por curso, para a Universidade de Michigan-Flint. 
  • Se o inglês não for sua língua nativa e se você não for de uma país isento, você deve demonstrar Proficiência em Inglês.
  • Se você estiver se candidatando do exterior, deverá enviar documentação adicional.

Because this is a certificate program, admitted students are not eligible to obtain a student (F-1) visa to pursue this degree. However, students living outside of the US may complete this program online in their home country. For other nonimmigrant visa holders currently in the United States, please contact the Center for Global Engagement at [email protegido].

Prospective students interested in the long-term care certificate online program must submit all application materials to the Office of Graduate Programs by 5 p.m. on the day of the application deadline. To be considered for admission, please submit all application materials on or before:

  • Fall – May 1 (guaranteed consideration)
  • Outono – 1º de agosto (se o espaço permitir)
  • Inverno – 1º de outubro (consideração garantida)
  • Winter – December 1 (if space permits)

Estimated Tuition and Costs

At UM-Flint, we strive to make graduate education affordable by offering competitive tuition rates and useful financial aid resources that help cover costs. 

Saiba mais sobre as mensalidades e ajuda financeira da UM-Flint.

Earn Your Certificate in Long-Term Care Administration Online to Serve Your Community

Transform your career by earning your Certificate in Long-Term Care Administration from the University of Michigan-Flint and elevate the quality of care your community receives. 

Ready to expand your health care industry expertise and be a part of shaping the future? Pedir informaçãoou inicie seu aplicativo UM-Flint hoje!