alternative summer break

The Alternative Summer Break is a program designed to provide an opportunity for students to partake in meaningful community service learning experiences throughout the United States. During the summer semester, students spend a week of service addressing a particular social, cultural or environmental issue. All trips are issue-based meaning students choose a trip based on a specific topic, not a destination. The organizations and locations are not revealed until orientation. Through community exploration, direct service, group discussions and reflection activities, students will learn about the issue and the community in which they serve. Following the trip, students will return as active citizens and be able to translate their experiences into addressing the needs of their communities.

Sample Focus Areas

Community Development
Community members unite to take collective action and form solutions to everyday problems. By choosing this sector as your area of focus, you will partner with community members in order to address societal concerns. This could involve anything from construction work with a housing organization to blight removal through a neighborhood clean-up.

Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. This site will be a learning experience and will be able to learn how to help those who have been victimized by human trafficking.

Hunger & Food Security
Food Security is fair access for all people at all times to enough real, healthy food to live an active, healthy life. By choosing this focus area, you could be doing anything from working in a community garden to providing food in undernourished areas.

Veterans focus on men and women who have or will serve the United States Military. This can include, but is not limited to providing support, providing resources, physical labor, etc.

Youth focuses on the younger population. We will be working with youth directly or providing assistance for those who partake in events with the youth.