Acronym Decipher

Welcome to the University of Michigan-Flint’s Acronyms page, a centralized guide to the abbreviations frequently encountered throughout our campus. On this page, students, faculty, staff and visitors can quickly unlock the names and meanings behind the various acronyms used in campus communications and featured on signage. Whether you are new to UM-Flint or a longstanding member of the campus community, this resource is designed to help you navigate the shorthand language that is part of our daily dialogue, ensuring clarity and fostering a more connected campus environment.
Many of our buildings are also included on this list. Our campus map will show you where each is located.
Acronyms | Description |
AAHC | Arab American Heritage Council |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
AFSCME | American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees |
AHR | Academic HR – in Ann Arbor, works with academic unions and contracts |
ALA | American Library Association |
AODC | Accelerated Online Degree Completion |
ARS | Academic Resource Sharing |
BTAA | Big Ten Academic Alliance |
CAE | Conferences and Events |
CAPS | Counseling and Psychological Services |
CASE | College or Arts, Sciences & Education |
CBAM | Committee on Bibliographic Access and Management |
CGE | Center for Global Engagement |
CGS | Center for Gender & Sexuality |
CHS | College of Health Sciences |
Circ | Circulation |
CIT | College of Innovation & Technology |
COAM | Command Officers Association of Michigan |
CoB | Community of Belonging |
CROB | Classroom Office Building |
DAAG | Discovery and Access Group |
DASS | Disability & Accessibility Support Services |
DBRRDS | Deep Blue Repositories & Research Data Services |
DEI | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion |
DNP | Doctorate of Nursing Practice |
DPS | Department of Public Safety |
DSA | Division of Student Affairs |
EBS | Events and Building Services (See CAE Conferences and Events) |
ECDC | Early Childhood Development Center |
EHS | Environment, Health & Safety |
ELO | Office of Engaged Learning |
EOI | Office of Educational Opportunity Initiatives |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
FH | French Hall |
FIA | Flint Institute of Arts |
FSPAM | Faculty Selected Pamphlets |
FWTL or FWT | Frances Willson Thompson Library |
GEC | Genesee Early College |
GDL | Genesee District Library |
HLC | Higher Learning Commission |
NHSRS | Health Science Remote Shelving (Library storage) |
ICC | Intercultural Center |
I-School | School of Information – also called Library School – where people go to get a masters degree related to library and information science |
ILL | Interlibrary Loan |
IPEDS | Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System |
ITS | Information Technology Services |
Acronyms | Description |
IUOE | International Union of Operating Engineers |
LAC | Librarians, Archivists, and Curators |
LEO | Lecturers’ Employee Organization |
LEO-GLAM | Lecturers’ Employee Organization-Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums |
MAC | Marketing and Communications |
MCLS | Midwest Collaborative for Library Services |
MDS | see MAC |
MBA | Master of Business Administration |
MiALA | Michigan Academic Library Association |
MLA | Michigan Library Association OR Medical Library Association |
MMLC | Mideastern Michigan Library Cooperative |
MRLT | Michigan Research Libraries Triangle (grad student loan priviledges with Wayne State and MSU and Flint) |
MSB | Murchie Science Building (415 E Kearsley St, Flint, MI 48503) |
MSN | Master of Science in Nursing |
MSPA | Master of Science in Physician Assistant |
NB or NBC | North Bank Building/North Bank Center (400 – 432 North Saginaw Street in Flint, MI) |
OCLC | Library cooperative organization |
ODOS | Office of the Dean of Students |
ORED | Office of Research & Economic Development |
PAR | Personnel Action Request |
PDC | Professional Development Committee |
POAM | Police Officers Association of Michigan |
PRC | Promotion Review Committee |
REC | Recreational Services |
Ref | Reference |
Riverfront | Riverfront Conference Center/Residence Hall (1 Riverfront Plaza, Flint, MI 48502) |
SAA | Society of American Archivists |
SCA | Student Circulation Assistants |
SEHS | School of Education & Human Services |
SIS | Student Information System |
SOM | School of Management |
SON | School of Nursing |
SPG | Standard Practice Guide |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics |
TCLT | Thompson Center for Learning & Teaching |
UA | University Advancement |
UCEN | University Center/Harding Mott University Center |
UHR or HR | Human Resources |
UIREEJ | Urban Institute for Racial, Economic & Environmental Justice |
UMSTU | University of Michigan Skilled Trades Union |
UPAV | University Pavilion |
VC | Vice Chancellor |
VPAA | Vice Provost for Academic Affairs |
VPEM | Vice Provost for Enrollment Management |
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