current projects

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Plan
The GIS Center is currently participating in the development of a CEDS plan through OED for GLS Region V, which comprises Genesee, Lapeer, and Shiawassee counties. The GIS Center is providing mapping and data for the summary background portions as well as assisting in the layout and development of the plan. For more information, visit
Extreme Heat in Flint
The GIS Center participated in a Research and Creative Activity Fund through the Office of Research titled “A Sensor Network for monitoring Extreme Heat Events in Flint, Michigan”. Working with Dr. Marty Kaufman and two other researchers, 40 sensors were placed on bus stops throughout the City of Flint that measured temperature and humidity. This data was then mapped on a dashboard to provide information to the public and public officials. Plans are in place to continue data collection in Summer 2023.
Project Info | Dashboard
The GIS Center received a grant from the CS Mott Foundation to expand our existing spatial data repository and develop a prototype interactive geospatial website that will enable various community members to access, visualize, manipulate, and analyze baseline data. The data repository will allow for an inventory, organization, and storage of local and regional data, as well as data from community organizations. These datasets will then be made available to the various community stakeholders and the public for viewing, downloading, and basic spatial analysis. Community stakeholders include organizations such as Flint Community Schools, Flint Chamber of Commerce, Ruth Mott Foundation, Community Foundation of Greater Flint, CRIM Fitness Foundation, City of Flint, among others.
EDA University Center Mapping
The GIS Center has continually helped with the mapping of datasets associated with the EDA University Center. These maps and data help inform economic developers within the region.
Flint Historical Spatial Data Infrastructure
The Office of the Provost hired a postdoc position examining deep mapping of the Flint area. Using historical information such as imagery, maps, Sanborn fire maps, narratives, and other artifacts, the post-doc researcher is creating some test applications throughout a year in two neighborhoods, Civic Park and Floral Park, within the City of Flint. The GIS Center is assisting with data collection/creation, as well as making hardware/software available to the researcher.