Course Modality Types
Face to Face Courses
Indicated by only a numeric section number.
These courses will have face-to-face meeting times on campus. This includes “flipped classrooms” where direct instruction, frequently in the form of video lectures, is provided to students online. Students encounter this information before class, freeing up in-person class time for activities that involve higher-order thinking.
Online Synchronous
Indicated by a W + numeric section number.
An online course that meets at regular times via remote conferencing tools with live instructor interaction. (No in-seat meeting.) This type of course will likely contain some asynchronous content. For example syllabus, lecture files, and readings. The schedule will indicate “synchronous” (OSYNC) in the “where” or location portion of SIS.
Online Asynchronous
Indicated by a W + numeric section number.
Courses are comprised of learning activities that students can complete on their own time, with regular deadlines that keep them on track. Students will engage with the majority of course materials without the instructor present. The course material is typically available in a Blackboard course shell. The schedule will indicate “asynchronous” (OASYNC) in the “where” or location portion of SIS, and TBA in the time as there is no set meeting time at any time during the semester.
Mixed Mode Courses
It is indicated by a M + numeric section number.
These courses will have both online (may be synchronous or asynchronous) and on-campus or in the field elements required. The multiple class meeting lines indicate when at least one face-to-face component is required, and when online meeting attendance is required either in synchronous or asynchronous mode. This is different from Hyperflex because all students are participating in the same modality at all times. These courses often have between 30 and 79 percent of instruction delivered online. These courses may include fieldwork or internship courses that have online lectures and clinical or in the field required elements.
Flex Courses
These courses are offered in a trimodal format: they meet on campus in a Zoom-enabled classroom, online synchronously in a live Zoom classroom, and online asynchronously. This mode affords flexibility for students to learn in the classroom, live (synchronously) online, or asynchronously online at the same time. Faculty will teach in the classroom with some students physically present while the remaining students participate remotely, either synchronously or asynchronously. It is possible for students to participate in this mode without ever attending class on campus or live synchronously online.
Students on F1 and J1 visas must attend flex courses in person.
Hyperflex Courses
Indicated by an H + numeric section number.
These courses are a form of mixed-mode course: they meet synchronously in a classroom while simultaneously allowing students to participate online. This mode allows for students to learn in the classroom or live (synchronously) online at the same time. Faculty will teach in the classroom with some students physically present while the remaining students participate remotely. It is possible to participate in this mode without ever attending class on campus.
Students on F1 and J1 visas must attend hypferflex courses in person.