CAre team FAQs

Campus Assessment, Response and Evaluation Team Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any additional questions or would like more information regarding the CARE Team and the CARE process, please contact a CARE Team member or the Office of the Dean of Students.
What is the CARE Team and what does it do?
The CARE Team is a cross-divisional, multi-disciplinary team with a centralized focus on addressing situations and behaviors that have the potential to impede student success and/or threaten the safety and security of the campus and learning environment.
The primary duties and responsibilities of the CARE Team include:
- Provide education, consultation, and support to members of the university community in assisting individuals who are facing challenges that may impede their academic success and/or are displaying concerning or disruptive behaviors;
- Respond to reports; gather information to assess situations; assess the disturbing behavior; recommend appropriate intervention strategies;
- Aid in the identification of students in distress;
- Connect students in distress with available campus and community resources including referrals for students in physical, mental, academic, financial or psychological distress;
- Monitor and provide a systematic response to situations where a condition may be disruptive, harmful, and/or pose a direct threat (or create distress) to themselves or others in the University community.
What is the scope of the CARE Team?
The University of Michigan-Flint CARE Team addresses concerns relevant to the campus community primarily through assisting at-risk and struggling students. Situations involving faculty or staff will be referred to the appropriate department(s), although a subset of the CARE Team may be asked to assist in the resolution process.
What if I’m not ready to make a report, but would like advice regarding a student issue?
Any member of the CARE Team is able to consult with you regarding potential students of concern. Please reach out to a CARE Team member or the Office of the Dean of Students.
How do I know if a situation is a CARE Team concern or a concern more appropriate for a different campus resource?
You do not have to make this determination; the CARE Team will do it for you. The most critical step is that you report it. If another campus resource is more appropriate, the CARE Team will refer the student and handle the transfer of information.
Should I talk to the student of concern first?
Whenever possible, you should share your concern(s) directly with the student. However, should you have any concern about your safety or the safety of others, your best course of action in an emergency is to contact DPS or 911, and the CARE Team as a secondary measure.
Can I submit information anonymously?
If you would like to remain anonymous, please make it known within your report. However, it is important to note that anonymity cannot be guaranteed if a student indirectly discovers that you submitted a concern.
If I file a CARE report, will the student get in trouble?
The CARE Team process is aimed specifically at providing support to students and addressing situations that have the potential to impede student success and/or threaten the safety and security of the campus. The CARE Team does not address disciplinary issues or give out sanctions. However, based on the information provided to the CARE Team, a submitted report could be referred to student conduct for review.
I have not heard back from the CARE Team, what do I do?
Upon pressing “Submit” you will receive a verification message. If you do not receive this verification message, want to ensure your report was received, or have general questions regarding a submitted report; please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 810-762-5728 or at [email protected].