External Funding

Library Resources
The UM-Flint Thompson Library maintains a Research and Funding Resources guide where you can access:
- Pivot, a directory of funding opportunities from private and government sponsors emphasizing new funding announcements. Focused on opportunities upcoming in the next 6 months.
- Foundation Directory Online, which provides links to information on the kinds of research sponsored by foundations and information on existing relationships with particular funders.
- Dimensions Plus, a global database of publications, datasets, grants, patents, clinical trials, and policy documents. It allows you to search 132 million publications and 6.3 million grants worldwide. Quickly identify who is funding research in your topic area and which researchers are in the same space.
The U-M Library Research Funding & Grants Guide is a comprehensive overview of research funding and grant writing resources at UM.
Foundation Funding
In addition to receiving funding from large federal agencies, foundations, and professional associations are great sources of funding. To explore these funding opportunities, visit the Foundation Directory Online to see which grants have recently been funded across the country or in Michigan, and consult the UM Foundation Relations Foundation Funding for Faculty Guide which provides information on recently funded awards received by UM faculty, and guidance from UM foundation relations officers on the priorities of foundations actively supporting UM researchers.
Limited Submissions
Limited Submissions are funding opportunities in which the sponsor only allows a specific and limited number of proposals from a given institution. Extra submissions can result in rejection of all submissions by that institution. To find out if the sponsor is limiting submissions to one per institution, and how UM will decide which campus will be allowed to submit, visit the UM Limited Submissions Process.
Additional Resources
Additional information on funding opportunities, proposal development, graphics services and proposal samples can be found on the webpage of the Research Development and Proposal Services unit in the Office of the Vice President for Research. If you are interested in working with industry or finding a corporate sponsor, the UM-Flint Business Engagement team is knowledgeable about industry partners engaged with the Flint campus, and coordinates with the UM Innovation Partnerships in Ann Arbor on industry partnerships, licensing of UM research and UM startups.
To assist UM-Flint researchers discover research opportunities that are tailored to regional public universities, this list of Top 25 (authentication required) funding opportunities was created to explore research opportunities at several career stages, and highlight several opportunities focused on enhancing and building research capacity.