
There are many resources available to discover internal and external funding opportunities. The UM-Flint Library provides access to Pivot, Dimensions Plus and the Foundation Directory Online. Every internal opportunity available to faculty across all 3 U-M campuses is listed in the Research Commons. The UM Library has created a comprehensive research funding and grants guide and UM Foundation Relations has a funding guide that provides information on the priorities of sponsors who have funded projects with the university. Michigan Research Experts is a valuable resource that profiles faculty and areas of expertise across all three campuses, allowing for searches across publications, grants, clinical trials and patent activity. UM faculty curate their own profiles in the system and add content, including social media.
Faculty Funding
To find experts, existing funding, and collaborations across all three UM campuses, search the Michigan Research Experts.
Student Funding
Several donors to UM-Flint have expressed an interest in encouraging student research and generously donated funds to provide support for student-initiated research and for travel to attend professional conferences. These endowed funds provide support for original student research ideas and are intended to encourage individual or group work. Visit Student Funding for more information on funds available, eligibility, and how to apply.
Office of Research
The Office of Research is actively involved in supporting internal and external proposal writing, from budget preparation and pre-award administration, to research development, proposal writing and editing, and identifying and supporting research collaborations, tech transfer and commercialization, developing research partnerships with industry and community organizations.
The Office of Research is actively involved in supporting internal and external proposal writing, from budget preparation and pre-award administration, to research development, proposal writing and editing, identifying and supporting research collaborations, tech transfer, and commercialization, and developing research partnerships with industry and community organizations.
Research Development, Proposal Writing and Collaboration
Department Contact: Ken Sylvester at [email protected]
Successful grant writing begins with good ideas. Who will benefit? Why is the idea innovative? Successful submissions often emerge from projects already substantially underway. If you are convinced about the potential, write a short one- or two-page pre-proposal. Reach out to mentors and colleagues and seek feedback. The earlier we know in the Office of Research, the more analysis and review we can contribute to help develop the idea.
Want to look at sample applications? Need help with budgeting personnel costs, fringe, equipment, materials, travel, publications, subcontracts, consultant costs, indirect costs, letters of commitment, resubmission, formatting a biosketch, writing a cover letter, or budget justification? Let us help analyze your draft proposals, review narratives, send you checklists, budget templates, or answer questions about NIH, NSF, HRSA, or other sponsor requirements.
Innovation Partnerships
Department Contact: Ken Sylvester at [email protected]
Innovation Partnerships is responsible for the commercialization of inventions based on UM intellectual property. We have the expertise, resources, and connections to help your ideas reach their full potential. We are part of a university-wide collaboration to create an environment that encourages exploration, discovery, innovation, and risk-taking. Our work is a partnership with inventors and market partners to assess, develop, and unleash the power of your discoveries. For more information on this process, visit Innovation Partnerships.
Pre-Award and Post-Award Management
Department Contact: Jennifer Klimowicz (pre-award) at [email protected] and Joanne DeVore (post-award) at [email protected]
Pre-Award covers anything related to a proposal’s creation and submission, prior to any notice of award. The following items provide basic guidance about resources and tools available to assist in proposal submission:
- Budgeting Resources
- Using eResearch Proposal Management
- Unfunded Agreement (UFA)
- Proposal Approval Form (PAF)
- Proposal Review Checklists
Post-Award comprises everything that happens to administer a research project, following the official award being received. This includes adhering to your reporting milestones, steadily spending your budget, monitoring subcontracts, hiring students, or managing the absence of a project team member. The following information is intended to provide guidance and assist units in effectively managing research grants and other sponsored projects with their departments.
- Post-Award Administration
- Grant Accounting
- Sponsor Payments and Reporting
- Post-Award Checklist
- M-Reports for Grant Spending
- Paying People from Sponsored Projects
- Effort Reporting
- Release Time and Course Buyouts
Human Subject Incentive Payments (HSIP)
Department Contact: Joanne DeVore at [email protected]
A human subject incentive payment is a payment given to an individual as compensation for participating in a research study. At the University of Michigan, the Human Subject Incentive Program (HSIP) staff oversees and administers the payment process. If you need subject incentives, please complete the HSIP request form.
Online Survey Research with Qualtrics
Department Contact: Andre Louis at [email protected]
Qualtrics is a powerful tool for creating and distributing online surveys, data storage, and analysis. The University of Michigan has purchased a system-wide site license for this service, available to campus for use. To create a Qualtrics account, visit: and log in using your U-M credentials. NOTE: You must be an active U-M employee or student to use Qualtrics.
NOTE: You must be an active U-M employee or student to use this service.