Flint Community Engaged Research Program

Starting Summer 2022, Flint non-profit and community organizations with research projects addressing public health, youth development, environmental justice, food insecurity, and more can engage student interns from the university through FCERP. Participating organizations can hire students, with $1,000 in salary available to each intern, per academic term, to work together as change agents to learn about the city, nonprofits, and community-engaged research.
Community Partners
Community partners are invited to submit project proposals via this Google Form. FCERP will transfer all accepted projects to the Office of Research’s domain of InfoReady (the University’s internal competition site), where students can browse through the individual listings and submit applications. These applications will be forwarded to your organization for review, so you can set up interviews with the student candidates. Once your organization accepts candidates, FCERP will facilitate student hiring. FCERP will also assume the other administrative responsibilities, including payroll and periodically checking in with both you and your students.
Community Partner Orientation: The FCERP Program Manager will conduct an orientation for community partners. This orientation will cover various aspects of the program, including student hiring, supervision, time reporting, and progress reporting.
Stipend: Students are eligible to earn a maximum of $1000 per funding cycle over the course of three cycles (Fall term from September to December, Winter term from January to April, and Spring/Summer term from May-August). Students earn an hourly rate of $15 per hour.
Sample Projects:
- Reviewing and analyzing archival data
- Conduct literature reviews to identify best practices to improve your organization’s services
- Collect, organize, and analyze data about clients, needs, services, programs, or environmental conditions
- Develop promotional materials, expand social media outreach, web development/updating
- Evaluating the effectiveness of programs evaluation
- Feasibility studies to propose new initiatives and action items
- Conduct phone/online surveys, initiate focus groups, and other exploratory methods of gathering data.
Community Partner Application Deadlines:
- Fall Cycle: Last Friday in August
- Winter Cycle: Last Friday in December
- Spring/Summer Cycle: Last Friday in April
All prospective FCERP students must search for and apply to a project through the InfoReady site. Community organization representatives for each of the posted projects will have an opportunity to review student applications and select the student(s) with whom they would like to work.
Click here for a click-by-click video tutorial on how to complete an InfoReady application.
Student Application Deadlines:
- Fall Cycle: Last Friday in September
- Winter Cycle: Last Friday in January
- Spring/Summer Cycle: Last Friday in May
For additional information, visit this Informational PowerPoint, or contact Andre Louis at [email protected].