Move-In Information

The Housing & Residential Life Team is excited to welcome you home to the University of Michigan-Flint campus this fall. This webpage has information regarding move-in day for fall 2024. Please check back frequently, as updates are posted regularly. Also, check your student email and self-service portal for updates regarding your housing status.

Move-In Date

Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024 (9 a.m. – 3 p.m.)

Students must schedule a move-in appointment. More information about scheduling your move-in appointment will be released on August 1st to students who have secured a fall housing assignment.

All assigned residents must meet the criteria below to be eligible for move-in.

  1. Registered for the Fall 2024 semester.
  2. No previous/past due student account balance.
  3. No current student account balance OR must be enrolled in a payment plan and have made the first payment by August 15th.

Any student who chooses a payment plan must make their first housing payment installment by August 15 to be eligible to move in at opening. This applies to all students on a payment plan regardless of whether it is a 4-month or 3-month agreement. Students not making this payment will not be able to check-in when arriving on campus. Students with a balance should contact the Office of Financial Aid to ensure all aid has been applied and/or the Cashiers and Students Accounts Office to make a payment or set up a payment plan.

Frequently Asked Questions (Answers are for Fall 2024 Semester)

What items should I plan to bring to campus?
Please view our suggestions on What to Bring to campus.

Will someone be available to help me set up my room on move-in day?
On the designated move-in days/times, volunteers will be available to help you unload your belongings from a vehicle and will escort you to your room to unload the cart. They will not be able to assist you in rearranging furniture or lofting beds. Items to loft your bed will be available at the front desk upon request.

What is my room assignment?
Initial room and roommate assignments were sent out the first week in July to all students who have completed all steps of the housing process (application, contract, $250 payment) by June 27. Assignments will be sent on a rolling basis to students who complete the process after June 27.

Students should check their self-service portal to review assigned roommates/suitemates as well as any changes to their initial assignment.

I did not get the room type that I was anticipating. Can I change rooms?
The housing system uses an algorithm to place students based on your application preferences, including roommate matching, room type preferences, and answers to the application questions. While we try to accommodate everyone’s preferences, it is not a guarantee that you will get your top preferences.

If you are interested in a different room type, please complete the Housing Assignment waitlist form. The link was provided in the email regarding your assignment.

I do not see any assigned suitemates. Will I have one?
HRL sends assignments on a rolling basis as students complete the required steps. It is highly likely that you will be assigned suitemates before move-in OR be consolidated into another suite, if the suite you are assigned is not filled.

Why am I not assigned the roommate/suitemate I requested in the self-service portal?
Suitemates and roommates are determined either via roommate matching (you and another student selected each other in the system) or via the system’s algorithm using your application answers. If you do not see the roommate/suitemate you wanted listed on your assignment, it is most likely due to one or more of the following factors:

  • The individual has not submitted all of their housing materials and has not been assigned. It is likely that they may be placed in the suite/room once they are in compliance but this is not a guarantee.
  • The individual did not accept your match request.
  • The individual preferred a specific room type/building that does not match what you selected. 

You may use the designated form in your assignment email to request your roommate match be updated.

Is it too late to join a residential learning or theme community?
The application deadline to join a learning or theme community is July 31st. The earlier you apply, the better as spaces are limited. Please contact Joslyn Brown [email protected] to get signed up for the great opportunity to connect with other residents and campus partners.

How much does it cost to live on campus? When will I be billed?
Rates for housing and dining can be viewed here. Students that have been assigned will begin seeing housing and dining charges (if applicable) on their student accounts the last week in July.

Am I required to have a meal plan while living on campus?
A Residential Meal Plan is required for First Street residents and all first-time college students living on campus. 

Riverfront residents are not required to have a meal plan but can purchase optional Maize Money to do laundry, purchase items from the residence hall vending machines, dine at any on-campus dining locations, and purchase items from the bookstore.

Do I get to select the type of meal plan I want?
There is only one type of residential meal plan. More information about the meal plan can be found here.

I have changed my mind about living on campus. How do I cancel my housing contract? Will my deposit be refunded?
To get started with your contract cancellation, revisit the housing self-service portal and cancel both your housing application and contract. You will simply go to Apps and Forms, select the Fall 2024/Winter 2025 Housing Contract Agreement, click “Cancel/Withdraw Application” from the drop-down menu and submit. It will ask you to confirm you want to cancel on the next page.

Deposits can be refunded if the contract is canceled within the following timeframes:

  • Before July 1st- 100% refunded
  • Between July 1st – August 1st- 50% refunded
  • After August 1st- 0% refunded