Campus Services

The Department of Public Safety offers a wide variety of services to our campus, some of these services include:
Automobile Accident Reports
If you or someone you know is involved in an automobile accident on campus, call DPS immediately. DPS is qualified to take accident reports. Please do not contact the Flint Police Department. They will not take a report on an accident on university property. You can contact DPS via any of the blue light emergency telephones located throughout campus. Indicate the parking lot you are in, whether there are any injuries, the make, and color, of the vehicles involved.
Campus Safe Ride
Safe Ride, operated by DPS Student Patrol Officers, is a free transportation service that operates within specific campus geographic boundaries. Safe Ride operates while UM-Flint is open and in session throughout the year. More information regarding Campus Safe Ride can be found here.
You can now request rides across campus on-demand using the TransLoc. You can download the new app on the Apple Store or Google Play Store.
Emergency Notifications
If you are on campus and need to be contacted in regard to an emergency situation, contact should be made with DPS. The dispatcher will ask the nature of the emergency in an attempt to determine if the emergency constitutes your immediate removal from class or if the notification can take place at the beginning or end of your class. The name and telephone number of the caller will be taken in case the notification could not be successfully made. Emergency notifications should be limited to “true emergencies” only. Notifications will not be made for missed appointments, meetings, or lack of transportation.
Fire Alarms & Extinguishers
In the event of a fire, an alarm will sound throughout the affected building. If you hear an alarm, vacate the building immediately. Never use an elevator during a fire alarm. If you discover a fire, no matter how small, activate the nearest fire pull box, and then contact DPS. Do not try to fight a fire yourself unless you know how to properly use a fire extinguisher and the fire is small and contained. After evacuating the building, stay clear of the building. Allow room for fire-fighting equipment to maneuver around the building as necessary.
DPS maintains fire extinguishers. If you discharge or observe a discharged fire extinguisher, contact DPSt. The fire extinguisher will be replaced with a properly filled extinguisher.
Key/Mcard Access Requests
UM-Flint DPS Electronic Security Services provides access services to our community through formally issuing university keys and/or providing M-Card access. Our DPS ESS Specialists will review submitted key and/or M-Card access requests. Please complete the Key/M-Card Request Access Form. For assistance or questions in this area please contact DPS.
Locksmith Services
DPS, in conjunction with Facilities Management, provides locksmith services for the university’s offices and buildings. DPS maintains lock core changes and issues keys. Facilities Management provides lock repairs, door hardware problems, and any other repair service for locks and doors.
Lost & Found
DPS receives all lost and found articles on campus. If an item is lost or found on campus, contact DPS on any campus phone. An officer will respond to pick up the found item. The department maintains a log of all reported lost items. All attempts to return found the property to the owner will be made.
Medical Assistance
Emergency requests for medical treatment and ambulance service should be directed to DPS, using the emergency 911 number. The department will provide basic first aid and will contact the Emergency Medical System if necessary.
Motorist Assists
If you experience car trouble on campus, call DPS. The department is available to assist you with such problems as:
- Dead car batteries
- Flat tires
- Frozen door locks
- Keys locked in the car
- Lost cars
Provide your location and the make, model, year, color, and license plate number of your vehicle. If possible, lift the hood and stand by your vehicle. DPS personnel will respond and assist you as soon as possible.
Personal Injury Reports
If you or someone you know is ill or injured on university property, contact DPS via any blue light emergency telephone or university telephone. A DPS employee will be dispatched to perform basic first aid and will call for further assistance if needed.
Safety Escort Service
Safety escort service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for all members of the University of Michigan-Flint community. If you need an escort, call DPS and give your name, location, and destination. A safety employee will gladly meet you and walk you to your car or other campus destination.
Shopping Services Saturdays
DPS, in partnership with Student Government, provides Shopper Services during the in-session fall and winter semesters.
The shuttle is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The schedule may be adjusted to accommodate the service’s needs.
Visit Safe Ride and Shopper Services for more information.
- Walmart, Corunna Road
- Genesee Valley Center Mall, S. Linden Road
For more information, contact DPS.